viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Paper: State of the Art Report on Serious games: Blurring the lines between recreation and reality

Eirik Vik. State of the Art Report on Serious games: Blurring the lines between recreation and reality. 2009. INF358 Seminar in Visualization, The Eurographics Association.

This paper provides a general overview of Serious Games. What I liked more of this paper was:

Serious Game taxonomy
Eirik Vik propose three different ways to classify Serious Games:

- Approach in terms of play:
     * Based Some: There are clear goals to reach.
     * Play-based: There are not defined goals. There is no real sense of winning or losing.

- Approach in terms of game play:
     * Turn-based
     * Real-time: The real-time option is by far the more realistic of the two.

- Via what domain it is intended for:
     * Health care
     * Defense
     * Education
     * Management
     * Government

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